Friday, April 23, 2021 / Categories: News & Updates EagleVail LOVES Their Pets!!!! EagleVail Pet Information Walking around the EagleVail neighborhood, it is clear to see that EagleVail residents love their pets! Bold Property Management wants to remind pet owners that in order to maintain a safe and tidy neighborhood it is important for all pet owners to leash their pets when they are not on their lot and to clean up after them. As stated in the 1992 EVPOA Declarations: Section 2. Animals. No animals of any kind or number shall be kept on any of the Properties for commercial purposes. No dangerous animals of any kind may be kept or brought onto the Properties. Only domestic animals normally associated with Residential family living may be kept on the Properties. The number of animals associated with any Lot or Dwelling Unit must be limited in number and kind in keeping with a reasonably quiet Residential atmosphere of the Properties and not rural or farm living. No animals shall be kept on the Property which make loud, disturbing, or objectionable noises or otherwise constitute a nuisance or inconvenience to any other residents of adjacent property. Every Owner which permissibly keeps an animal shall maintain strict control over the animal and prohibit it from behaving in a manner reasonably annoying to other Owners. Animals shall be kept on a leash when not in the residence or within a fenced yard. All animals must be kept in compliance with all existing local ordinances. If you have any questions or concerns regarding pet compliance issues, please contact Bold Property Management Solutions at 970-949-6070 x 1007. Thank you and have a Great Day! Public Safety Update The Newest EagleVail Quarterly Newsletter Is Here!! Print