EVMD Board Meeting 1/16/2025 Recap
This is an unofficial summary of the Jan. 16, 2025 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the EagleVail Metropolitan District produced by EVMD Communications staff. A draft of the minutes will be posted to the EVMD website once they are composed.
Board members present: Hopkins, Laughlin, Barcza (virtually), and Copeland (arrived at 5:51 p.m.)
Public Comment: John Donovan reminded that the EVPOA candidate submission deadline is Monday, Jan. 20, with two seats open. Feb. 13 at the Pavilion is the POA annual meeting where the election results will be announced. Donovan also said there is a vested interest for the POA and EVMD to continue working together.
Board passes unanimously: A Resolution of the Governing Body of the EagleVail Metropolitan District Authorizing the Adoption of the Most Recent FEMA Approved Eagle County Hazard Mitigation Plan 2025.
- The Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 was signed into law on October 30, 2000, placing new emphasis on state and local mitigation planning for natural hazards and requiring jurisdictions to adopt a hazard mitigation action plan to be eligible for pre-disaster and post-disaster federal funding for mitigation purposes;
- A Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan was prepared by Eagle County, with assistance from JEO Consulting Group, Inc.;
- The purpose of the mitigation plan was to lessen the effects of disasters by increasing the disaster resistance of the county and participating jurisdictions located within the planning area by identifying the hazards that affect EagleVail Metropolitan District and prioritize mitigation actions and strategies to reduce potential loss of life and property damage from those hazards.
Board passes unanimously: A Participant Code of Conduct Policy, in light of recent incidents and feedback to implement a clear policy to ban individuals from facilities when they violate rules or engage in behaviors that compromise the safety, respect, and enjoyment of others.
Board passes unanimously: The amended 2024 budget, in a public hearing:
The board approved the budget amendment for the 2024 budget in order to ensure that we had sufficient appropriations for 2024 expenses. Specifically, the amendment makes sure that the changes related to the pavilion pond project were fully appropriated. This amendment ensures the District is compliant with state statute regarding the budget.
Golf Year in Review
Superintendent Brent Barnum
Management Update
- Working on scheduling capital projects for 2025 and putting together operational plans for the upcoming season.
- The maintenance department continues to go above and beyond maintaining the recreational amenities in the community during the “off-season”. They are now focused on winter operations and planning for the upcoming golf season.
- The Administration Office is open to the public offering resident cards, parking passes, and meeting the day-to-day needs of the District. We have hired Rachel Braun to help us out in the office, the Pavilion and with our communication goals.
- The skier shuttle continues to be extremely popular with residents again this season. Currently, the schedule only provides service to Vail. The service will operate 50 plus days during the 2024-2025 season which began on Friday, December 13th. This is a great amenity for the community paid for by sales tax dollars. Proof of residency is required to ride the bus.
- We are proposing three Strat-Ops Meetings in 2025. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 10th from noon - 4:00 p.m. Our current list of Action Items includes: Phase II East End Master Plan, Capital Improvement Plan, Improved Community Communications, and the disposition of the EV Fire Station. Other Strat-Ops dates are scheduled for July 7 and October 13.
- We are still planning on installing the speed tables in the community this year. We anticipate sending out an RFP for the project early next month with a tentative start date in late May/early June, weather dependent.
- We continue to move forward with efforts to reduce the risk of wildfires in the community. The District budgeted $250,000 for work on Metro District Property in 2025. We are continuing to partner with Eagle County and Eagle Valley Wildland Fire Protection. We have completed an IGA agreement for services and have sent out an RFP for the proposed work this summer. Additionally, EV Wildland will be conducting some prescribed burns this winter in the community. We will use our communication tools to help spread the word.
- East End- Phase II Project: Staff continues to work on developing the final plans for the bid set. We are planning to send out the RFP for the project in late February or early March. Current information regarding phase II: https://www.eaglevail.org/Community-Corner/phase-ii-east-end-project- conceptual-design
- No one has responded to date to the RFP for the fire station disposition. Eagle County is interested, however, in a potential purchase.
- Regarding questions about the water level in the pavilion pond: The water level in all of our community ponds (Par 3 Pond, Pavilion Pond, Trout Pond, and Holland Pond) drops during the winter months, primarily due to evaporation, which continues even in cold weather. This is particularly noticeable in our community, where dry winter air and windy conditions contribute to water loss. Although the rate of evaporation is slower than in summer, it can still lead to noticeable water loss throughout the winter. Typical evaporation rates range from 1–2 inches per week, depending on the pond's location and depth. Additionally, no water flows into the ponds during the winter months so therefore the ponds are not being replenished like they are during the summer months. The maintenance department monitors and manages pond water levels and quality year-round. This winter has proven consistent with previous years in this regard.
- Kristin Kenney Williams, Commfluent Inc., provided an overview of December 2024 communications and a look forward to 2025:
- This spring we will be installing 10 kiosk stations in our neighborhood parks where the most current information will be posted, as well as QR codes to access upcoming events and meetings;
- We have a new member to the team who will be assisting in boosting our social media presence, using official EVMD social platforms;
- We are continuing to build our virtual library of records and documents that can be accessed by visiting the administrative office;
- We will resume in March our committees and the ideas and efforts that came out of last September’s meetings (Finance, Parks & Trails, Recreational Amenities, Traffic Calming/Safety);
- We will host the State of EagleVail social event on April 9, 5-7 p.m., with food and beverage, and stations providing information on our Parks Master Plan; East End Phase II; fire mitigation planning; golf & parks; and the fire station disposition process.
- We will resume our monthly Coffee Chats with a Board Member, May – September.
Brent Barnum, Superintendent of Golf Courses & Parks, delivered a substantial 2024 Year in Review, and highlighted numerous winter activities and capital project planning.
New “Nordic Skiers Only” track on Hole 1.
New ice skating at the Pavilion.
Similarly, Ryan Flamm, Director of Golf, delivered a 2024 Year in Review, and discussed off-season project planning, and said he anticipates a strong season pass sale process that will commence in March. He said the simulator usually starts seeing more traffic towards the end of January, February and into March. The simulator is currently open for reservations Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Reservations can be made via the website.