EVMD Board Meeting 3/20/2025 Recap
This is an unofficial summary of the March 20, 2025 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the EagleVail Metropolitan District produced by EVMD Communications staff. A draft of the minutes will be posted to the EVMD website once they are composed.
Board members present: McGuire (virtually), Hopkins, Barcza, and Copeland.
Public Comment:
Mark Weinreich, hockey parent and candidate for Mountain Recreation’s Board of Directors, reminded the search is on for temporary ice when Vail’s Dobson Ice Arena remodel commences this year.
Wildfire Mitigation:
- Eagle Valley Wildland Fire Protection’s Hugh Fairfield-Smith provided an update on the Douglas Fir Beetle Management Plan to help keep mature trees in place, addressing the dead Douglas Fir trees on the southern hillside above holes #8 and #9. Fairfield-Smith stressed the importance of a very coordinated management strategy among the Eagle River Fire Protection District (ERFPD), EVMD staff and residents, including: tree removal in affected areas after snowmelt; strategic placement of pheromone packets to protect healthy trees; exploring additional applications to help preserve the remaining trees.
- Implementation of pheromone packets and continuation of burning tree piles will commence after snow melts.
- To understand more what residents can do if they think they have dead trees on their property (there is tree removal funding available via the EagleVail POA and Eagle County), or what they can do to maintain healthy trees, attend the April 9 EagleVail & Tell community event at 5 p.m. at the EagleVail Pavilion where Fairfield-Smith and team will be in attendance. RSVP: by April 1: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/inaugural-eaglevail-tell-tickets-1286287403249?aff=oddtdtcreator
- The ERFPD has not received any new grant funding but Fairfield-Smith said current available funds, include the EagleVail Metro District’s $250,000 dedicated for wildfire mitigation work on Metro District property, will allow for the completion of identified projects.
- Chipping program will return this year beginning in June through October; skipping August due to higher participation in October. EagleVail is the second largest community to produce material and participate in the chipping program (Gypsum being the first) kudos to the Community of EagleVail!
Communications Update:
- February Board meeting recap (Website and social)
- E-blast prior to Board meeting includes agenda
- E-blast content
- Increased social communications (i.e. dog waste)
- Parks Master Plan communications tactics – incremental communications and neighborhood events spring-summer
- EagleVail & Tell event planning and comms: April 9
- Committees have resumed
- Traffic Calming March 6 (update below)
- Parks & Trails March 27
- Recreation April 3
- Just the Facts
March: Strategic Planning (following March 10 Strat-Ops)
Traffic Calming Committee Update:
- Four people in attendance. Great input.
- Speed Table Project: Installation of 7 permanent asphalt speed tables
- EVMD received 1 bid for construction
- Committee recommends moving forward with the project
- Timeline: Late spring to early summer, weather depending
- Potential Three-Way Stop: Discussed implementing a three-way stop at Eagle Road and Eagle Drive as a pilot project with Eagle County
- Committee is in favor
- Consideration of flashing solar-powered lights around stop signs to increase awareness
- Temporary Speed Table Adjustments: Discussed moving the District's current temporary speed table to the West End
- Considering purchasing an additional temporary speed table and/or speed hump
- Committee supports this initiative
- Community Alerts & Communication:
- Discussed Eagle County Alerts and the importance of encouraging residents to sign up for the program
- Continue community communications on traffic calming efforts and e-bike safety in the neighborhood
- Traffic Signage Improvements:
- Plan to install new decals over existing signs this spring to better represent traffic flow
- Long-Term Infrastructure Plans:
- Consider installing a sidewalk with curb and gutter along Eagle Road leading to the school
- Speed Limit Adjustments:
- Consider lowering the speed limit along Eagle Road from 25 to 20 mph to align with current flashing beacons
- Evaluate reducing speeds on Whiskey Hill past the golf course clubhouse
Manager Steven Barber Update:
- The maintenance department remains busy during this time of the year, primarily engaged in clearing greens and transitioning towards spring recreational activities.
- The skier shuttle service for the 2024-2025 season has been a resounding success, catering to the transportation needs of residents within the community. The skier shuttle service, funded by sales tax dollars, offers a convenient mode of transportation for residents to access Vail Mountain. The last day of service for the season is March 23.
- EVMD will once again be offering an e-bike share program this year. Building upon the success of previous years, this program will provide residents and visitors with convenient and sustainable transportation options throughout the valley. EVMD is partnering with the Town of Vail, Town of Avon, Eagle County, and Edwards Metro District to expand opportunities for e-bike sharing, promoting eco-friendly mobility solutions up and down the valley.
- Parks Master Plan:
- Pedro Campos from Zehren will be presenting to the Parks and Trails Committee on March 27 and will also attend the EagleVail & Tell community event April 9. This will be a great opportunity to gather community feedback and shape the long-term vision for our parks.
- The master plan will be developed over three phases across nine months:
- Phase I (March – May): Start-Up, Data Gathering, Inventory, and Community Engagement Round 1
- Phase II (June – August): Individual Park Studies, Cost Estimates, and Community Input Round 2
- Phase III (September – November): Final Master Plan Presentation and Adoption
- Fire Station Update:
- Meeting with potential buyer on March 19 to discuss the purchase in greater detail, and hope to be under contract in the coming weeks.
Golf Courses and Parks Update:
Superintendent Brent Barnum:
- Tasks can vary greatly depending on the weather. We continue to groom the Nordic track when conditions exist and execute winter duties.
- In recent weeks, began the process of snow removal on the greens. This process typically takes four to five weeks. The depths of snow on the greens have varied from 36 inches on #17 green to 20 inches on #1 green. I am encouraged by what turf I have seen, and I am hopeful that the greens will come out of the winter healthy and strong. Once we have cleared a green, we then apply additional winter/snow disease protection to assist in the remaining weeks of winter and early spring to come.
- The snow depths on the fields and parks range from 10 to 15 inches. We recently concluded another successful partnership with the HPS Nordic Club over the Winter season, providing them with groomed trails to improve their skills. In January, we continued our partnership with C3 Premier, who began growing and will be providing our flowers for the upcoming season. We contracted again with Gore Range Landscaping for the 2025 season for our park’s maintenance.
- Once the snow begins to recede, we will begin our spring clean-up process on both the athletic field and in the parks. We strive to open up our amenities as soon as we can. Depending on snow melt and the weather we will open the courts up when the opportunity presents itself. Last year the courts opened on April 5.
Director of Golf, Ryan Flamm:
- The expected opening day for a limited number of holes is Friday, May 9.
- Plan to open the golf shop, driving range, and Whiskey Hill Bar and Grill on May 2.
- Pass sales went on sale March 1. We have currently taken applications for approximately 230 season passes, which is right on track for where we want to be. The majority of these applications are from returning passholders, along with a few that were daily fee players, punch card holders, and new golfers to the area.
- We concluded our indoor simulator appointments on March 14. The simulator saw most of its action in February and March during the off season. We have exceeded revenues slightly compared to 2024 in simulator sessions.
Administrative Update:
Financial Update:
- Sales tax collections on budget; starting to receive property tax revenue. Still early in the year but everything on track thus far.
- Election update: Six candidates for three open board seats. For more information, visit www.eaglevailmetro.org for the list of candidates and election information. This is a polling place election to be held on May 6, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. at the EagleVail Pavilion.
Other Business/Courts Opening Discussion:
- Further board and staff discussion with the pickle ball community (John Donovan commented virtually) about whether the courts could open up sooner:
- Year-over-year practice has been to let Mother Nature melt the snow on the courts to prevent damage and preserve the courts’ longevity;
- Courts remain open longer on the tail end of the summer season;
- Currently, 6-12 inches of snow on the courts;
- Board decision to maintain practice as usual; not comfortable with risk of surface damage using volunteers and plastic shovels; just two weeks away from courts opening.